Letter From the President
Welcome to the website of the Alpha Nu Chapter of the Sigma Chi Fraternity at The University of Texas at Austin.
I am honored to serve as Consul (President) for the 2023 calendar year; the road ahead appears bright with great opportunity to grow both the chapter and as men.
Our plans are big here at Alpha Nu. The “capital campaign” has updates to out recent property renovations. With the main house fully receiving a renovation and the dorm building opening up this most recent semester, the chapter is excited for what 2701 Nueces Street has in store. As always, we continue to recruit the best and brightest UT has to offer, while striving to provide the resources and opportunities for those young men to develop into the leaders of tomorrow.
We look forward to this next year in exuberant anticipation. We have come a long way from the handful of pioneers that re-chartered Alpha Nu in 2009, and our goal is for the active chapter many years from now to continue to say that they have come even further, ever advancing the noble purposes of Sigma Chi and the Alpha Nu chapter.
In Hoc Signo Vinces,
Rohan Rumalla
Consul, Alpha Nu Chapter of Sigma Chi